

I'm Matt, a Marvel-lover & customizer from Vancouver, Canada.

Storm (Jim Lee Ver. III)

Storm (Jim Lee Ver. III)

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Hello everyone. Welcome back to another round of reveals. Continuing the X-themed trend yet again, here is my 3rd attempt at everyone’s favorite wind rider, Storm (Jim Lee style!)

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As some of my loyal followers and friends may recall, I made a 90’s Storm in the summer for a customer. At that time, I intended on making a second one for myself at the same time, but i hit a few time restraints and decided to hold off. I recently picked it up again to finish it off. This time, I went with my original recipe that I had planned to use.

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Storm was made using a Spider B*tch figure as a base with a Phoenix Torso (because I broke the neck disk on Spider B*tch) and hand. The right hand was from a random figure. The head is a cast of the hooded Gamora from the GotG Box Set and the hair is from a Dark Phoenix. The cape was made by my friend Reva and has a wire running through it to make it posable. 

As for sculpting, I used both Apoxie Sculpt and Procreate for this project. The Apoxie Sculpt was used for the sleeves, the belt and gold stripe, the chest X’s and the boot tops. The Procreate was used for the shoulder pads and the additional strands of hair.  I also used it to make the lightning bolt earrings. 

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I decided to paint her Silver for a few reasons. First off, its my preferred color for this look. Secondly, I did the white with blue accents on the last storm I made and wanted to change it up. The silver made painting this figure pretty easy as well, so i was pretty happy about that too. 

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Overall, I’m very happy with how Storm turned out. I’m happy to finally be replacing my old Toy Biz offering with something more updated. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my latest reveal. Check back soon for my next and final X-related reveal (at least for a couple months), Jubilee. Thanks and have a great day everyone.

Jubilee (Jim Lee Ver. II)

Jubilee (Jim Lee Ver. II)

